Let's get started

Corporate website development is a bit like setting up a digital headquarters for your organisation. It's where everything about your business comes together—your brand, your services, your interaction with customers, and so much more.

With 70-80% of people researching a company online before making a purchase decision, your digital presence is often your first and most enduring impression.  

Whether you're aiming to improve customer engagement, streamline your online services, or boost your digital footprint, this guide offers the insights and practical advice you need to navigate the complex journey of enterprise website development. We'll dive into the nuances of website redesign strategies and best practices to follow.

Let's first understand what an enterprise website is

Chapter 01

Why Build an Enterprise Website?

An enterprise website is much more than just another site on the internet; think of it as the digital heartbeat of a large organisation. Unlike basic websites, an enterprise website is built to handle a higher volume of content and user traffic, integrating seamlessly with a variety of internal systems such as customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and other digital marketing tools.

While the allure of free or low-cost website builders is undeniable for small projects or startups, enterprises wanting to cement their digital presence, improve customer experience, foster growth, and meet complex business needs must consider the long-term benefits and strategic advantages of an enterprise website.

As a marketer, you know it's not just about having an online presence; it's about owning a platform that brings your brand closer to its objectives.

Let's talk about why choosing enterprise websites is like giving your digital presence a bespoke suit, tailored just for your brand, versus the one-size-fits-all approach.

  1. Customisation
    Imagine having a website that fits your brand like a glove. An enterprise solution is designed to be highly adaptable to your specific business requirements. It allows for a tailored user experience (UX) that aligns with your brand identity and meets your audience's expectations. And with 38% of people bouncing off a site if the content or layout is unattractive, that tailored experience is non-negotiable.
  2. Scalability
    Your business is going to grow, and your website should be able to keep up. An enterprise website is like a good investment; it grows with you. It is built through the eyes of enterprise web design ensuring it is scalable which means you can add new modules and integrations connectors when you need them, without hitting the frustrating walls that often come with basic website builders.
  3. Security
    According to IBM, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was USD 4.45 million, a 15% increase over 3 years. Security isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must. Enterprise websites come with the kind of security protocols that keep your data, and more importantly, your customers' data, safe. This includes secure hosting environments, regular updates, and the ability to implement specific security protocols tailored to your business needs, providing peace of mind for both you and your users.
  4. Partnership
    Choosing an enterprise website means opting for a partnership where ongoing support and maintenance are part of the package. This is crucial for ensuring your site remains up-to-date with the latest web standards and technologies. Unlike free platforms, where support can be limited or non-existent, an enterprise solution provides access to a dedicated team of experts ready to assist with any issues or updates, ensuring your website remains operational, secure, and ahead of the curve.
  5. Data
    With an enterprise website, your data is exactly that—yours. This is critical for enterprises that rely on data to drive decisions. Coupled with advanced analytics capabilities, an enterprise website enables you to gather, analyse, and act on user behaviour and preferences, informing your marketing strategies with precise, data-driven insights.
When planning for an enterprise website, there's a fine balance to strike between creating an engaging user experience today and ensuring it remains relevant and dynamic as your business evolves.

Chapter 02

Essential Features of an Enterprise Website

How do you future-proof your website? Start by ensuring you have the right features in place.

Here are key considerations for each essential feature of enterprise websites. As you read through, ask yourself how each feature can be tailored to not just meet but exceed your strategic goals.

Easy Publishing

To maintain a fresh and engaging online presence, consider how your content management system (CMS) facilitates effortless updates.

Here’s what to consider to ensure your CMS supports easy publishing:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Opt for a CMS that offers a clean, intuitive interface. Features like drag-and-drop builders and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors can empower team members with varied technical skills to create and manage content efficiently.
  • Template Flexibility: Evaluate whether your CMS provides a variety of customisable templates. This not only speeds up the content creation process but also ensures consistency in branding and layout across your site.
  • Multimedia Support: Incorporating images, videos, and interactive elements is non-negotiable. Check if your CMS allows for easy multimedia integration without needing to tinker with complex code.
  • Autonomy in Content Updates: Ensure that your marketing team, and not just your IT department, can quickly update content, adjust SEO settings, and publish new material. This independence is crucial for reacting swiftly to market trends or company updates.
  • Scheduled Publishing: Look for features that allow your team to schedule content for future release. This can help in maintaining a consistent content calendar and automating publication times for maximum audience engagement.


One of the key features as mentioned above is security. What security measures should you look for?

  • Rigorous Security Protocols. Verify that your hosting provider implements rigorous security protocols, including regular updates and threat detection mechanisms. Ensure all pages of your website use SSL encryption to protect data exchange between your site and its users.
  • Robust Backup. Your provider should have a robust data backup and recovery plan in place. This will safeguard your website’s data against loss from cyber attacks, technical failures, or human errors, enabling quick restoration if necessary. Keep all website software, including CMS, plugins, and third-party services, up to date. Software updates often include security patches for newly discovered vulnerabilities.
  • Implement strict access control measures. Limit administrative privileges to only those who need them and use strong, unique passwords. Consider multi-factor authentication (MFA) for an additional layer of security.

Sophisticated Administration

A well-structured backend is the backbone of any enterprise website, ensuring that content flows smoothly from creation to publication. Here’s how to guarantee your administration setup is up to the task:

  • Security Permissions: Implement an system with advanced user security permissions to define precisely what each user can see and do within your CMS. This is especially crucial in larger organisations where different teams or departments handle various segments of the website.
  • Workflow Customisation: Tailor your content approval workflows to match your organisation's internal processes. This might include multiple stages of review and approval, automatic notifications to the relevant parties at each step, and an audit trail for accountability.
  • Content Scheduling: Choose a CMS that allows you to schedule content in advance, as well as set archive and expiry dates. This feature is invaluable for maintaining a consistent content strategy and aligning publication with your marketing campaigns.

Accessibility and Usability

Creating an inclusive digital environment ensures that your website serves a wider audience. Here’s how to enhance accessibility and usability:

  • Follow WCAG Guidelines: Regularly audit your website against the latest WCAG guidelines to identify and rectify accessibility issues. Tools like WAVE or AXE can assist in this process.
  • Simplify Navigation: Structure your website with clear, logical navigation to help users find what they need quickly. This includes a well-organised menu, a search function, and breadcrumb trails on deeper pages.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website's design is responsive, providing an optimal viewing experience across all devices. This is not just good for usability but also impacts your SEO positively.

Technical SEO

An often overlooked feature of good enterprise website design is compliance with technical SEO best practices. With the search landscape constantly evolving, your website’s technical SEO needs to be built on a solid foundation:

  • Site Speed Optimisation: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and rectify factors slowing down your site. This could involve optimising images, leveraging browser caching, and minimising CSS and JavaScript.
  • Mobile-First Design: Given Google’s mobile-first indexing, ensuring your site is optimised for mobile is non-negotiable. This means fast loading times on mobile, mobile-friendly navigation, and content that’s easily consumable on smaller screens.
  • Structured Data Implementation: Use schema markup to help search engines understand the content of your site better, which can enhance your visibility in search results through rich snippets.

Future Functionality

When thinking about the future of your enterprise website, think about whether your platform has the agility and scalability to meet your evolving needs.

Here’s how to ensure your website is ready for the future:

  • Scalability Check: Verify that your website's infrastructure can handle growth in traffic and content, ensuring smooth performance as your enterprise expands.
  • Tech-Readiness: Assess if your CMS or platform makes it easy to plug in new technologies. For instance, can you easily integrate chatbots if they become central to your digital strategy?
  • Continuous Learning: Encourage a culture of continuous learning within your team. Staying updated on web technologies and digital trends can spark innovative ideas for website enhancements.


Diving into personalisation means moving beyond one-size-fits-all content to creating experiences that resonate on an individual level. It's about leveraging data to make every visitor feel like your website was crafted just for them:

  • Data Utilisation: Implement tools for tracking and analysing user behaviour on your site. Use this data to segment your audience and tailor content accordingly.
  • Dynamic Content Delivery: Explore CMS features that enable dynamic content presentation based on user preferences, location, or past interactions. This could mean showing different pages to users depending on which source they came from.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish mechanisms for collecting user feedback directly on your website. This direct line of communication can inform more accurate personalisation strategies.


Seamless integration of your website with other business systems can transform how you operate and engage with your customers. It turns your website into a central hub for your digital ecosystem:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Map out your current and future technology stack. Understand how your website can act as the central piece, connecting different systems like CRM, ERP, or e-commerce platforms.
  • API Strategy: Prioritise platforms that offer robust API support, allowing for seamless data exchange between your website and other tools. This is crucial for real-time updates and maintaining data consistency across systems.
  • Vendor Collaboration: Work closely with your CMS provider and other technology vendors to ensure they understand your integration goals. Their expertise can often unlock new ways to enhance system interoperability.

Free Resource

Website Redesign Best Practices Guide

Is your website compelling, from both an information and design perspective, to keep visitors interested and move them along your buyer's journey? We'll guide you step-by-step through the process of successfully redesigning your website. BONUS: Detailed comparison and evaluation checklist.

Get your free guide and spreadsheet

Now, how do you actually build an enterprise website?

Chapter 03

Enterprise Website Development Process

Developing an enterprise website demands a structured and thoughtful approach. Following a proven project lifecycle ensures that your website not only meets but exceeds the needs and expectations of your business and its users.

Let’s walk through the essential stages of the enterprise website design and development process, drawing inspiration from the website CMS project lifecycle.

1. Discovery and Planning

This initial phase is all about laying the groundwork. It involves deep diving into your business objectives, target audience, and the overall digital strategy.

During this stage, stakeholders come together to outline the project scope, identify key functionalities, and set measurable goals.

It's crucial to:

  • Identify Stakeholders: Ensure all key players are involved from the start. This includes decision-makers from marketing, IT, sales, and customer service. Their input will provide a 360-degree view of your enterprise's needs.
  • Competitor Analysis: Take a close look at your competitors' websites. What are they doing well? Where do they fall short? This can offer valuable insights into what your target audience expects.
  • Define Clear Objectives: Be specific about what you want to achieve with your website. Is it lead generation, brand awareness, e-commerce sales, or customer support? Clear objectives guide the project’s direction.
  • Technology Stack Consideration: Assess the technology and platforms available. Choose a CMS that not only fits your current needs but can also scale as your business grows. Keep an eye out for integration capabilities with existing systems.

2. Design and User Experience

Design and UX are not just about aesthetics; they're about creating a seamless journey for your users. This step is where creativity meets strategy.

Elcom Design Services

Here are some practical tips:

  • User Personas: Develop detailed user personas. Understanding your audience's pain points, preferences, and web usage habits can shape a more intuitive UX.
  • Responsive Design: With mobile usage continuously on the rise, ensure your design is responsive and mobile-friendly. Test designs on various devices and screen sizes.
  • Prototype Early: Use wireframes and prototypes to visualise the site structure and user flow. This early visualisation helps identify usability issues before they become costly to fix.
  • Accessibility: Make accessibility a priority from the outset. Adhering to WCAG guidelines ensures your website is usable for everyone, reducing the risk of alienating potential customers or facing legal challenges.

3. Development

Here, the website starts to take shape.

The development phase turns your plans and designs into reality, and it's filled with technical details that require attention:

  • Agile Methodology: Consider adopting an agile development process. This allows for more flexibility, regular testing, and adjustments based on ongoing feedback.
  • Security Practices: From the beginning, embed best practices for security. This includes secure coding practices, regular security audits, and ensuring any third-party plugins or tools are reputable and up-to-date.
  • Load Testing: Before launch, conduct load testing to see how your site performs under stress. This is critical for understanding your site's capacity limits and preventing potential downtimes.
  • SEO Foundations: Implement technical SEO best practices from the start. This includes optimising site speed, mobile responsiveness, URL structure, and use of structured data to lay a solid foundation for your website's visibility.

4. Content Migration and Implementation

If you’re moving from an old site to a new one, this stage involves transferring existing content to the new CMS. This step is critical for ensuring that your site launches with rich, engaging, and valuable content for your audience.

This stage involves a strategic approach to managing your website's content:

  • Audit Existing Content: Before migrating content, conduct a thorough audit. Determine what's still relevant, what needs updating, and what can be retired. This ensures only quality, up-to-date content makes it to your new site.
  • Optimise for SEO: As you prepare to migrate or create new content, optimise it for search engines. Use keywords strategically, enhance meta descriptions, and ensure all images have alt text. This boosts your site's visibility from the get-go.
  • Content Workflow: Establish a clear workflow for content creation and approval. This helps maintain consistency in voice and quality across your site. Decide who will create, review, and approve content, and how it will be published.

5. Testing and Quality Assurance

Before going live, the site undergoes rigorous testing. The aim is to ensure the site is fully operational, offers a stellar user experience, and is free from vulnerabilities.

Thorough testing is critical to launch with confidence:

  • Test Across Devices and Browsers: Ensure your site works seamlessly on all major browsers and devices. This inclusivity enhances user experience and reach.
  • Accessibility Testing: Use tools and checklists to test your site's compliance with accessibility standards. This not only broadens your audience but also aligns with legal requirements.
  • User Testing: Gather feedback from actual users through beta testing. This real-world insight can highlight issues you might have overlooked and offer suggestions for improvement.

6. Launch

The big day arrives. After thorough preparation and testing, your site is ready to go live. But the work doesn’t stop here.

Monitoring the site’s performance, gathering user feedback, and making necessary adjustments are crucial for maintaining a dynamic and effective online presence:

  • Soft Launch: Consider a soft launch to a limited audience before going public. This can help identify any last-minute issues in a controlled environment.
  • Monitor Performance: Keep a close eye on site performance metrics, user behavior, and feedback post-launch. Tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable data on user engagement and areas for improvement.
  • Prepare for Issues: Even with thorough testing, issues can arise. Have a plan in place for quick troubleshooting and communication with your audience if anything goes wrong.

7. Post-Launch Support and Continuous Improvement

The development process now transitions into ongoing support and iterative improvements.

A successful site is always evolving:

  • Regular Content Updates: Keep your site fresh with regular content updates. This encourages repeat visits and improves SEO rankings.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: Technology and web standards are constantly changing. Regularly update your CMS, plugins, and third-party tools to ensure your site remains secure and functional.
  • Iterative Improvements: Use analytics and user feedback to make continuous improvements to your site. Whether it's tweaking the design, adding new features, or refining content, ongoing optimisation is key to staying relevant and engaging

Case Study

The Problem

Previously, Elcom was selected as the platform and vendor for the main Dubbo Regional Council website. The decision was made to bring additional sites onto the Elcom platform.

The Solution

From the one platform, the team now hosts their main Council website, multi-site for their Dubbo City Regional Airport, and sub-sites for Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets, Drought Hub and Dubbo Showground. Each site provides a central location for up-to-date and relevant information and communication for visitors, that is easily searchable and accessible. The Dubbo team report an improved ease of use in managing multiple sites on a central and user-friendly platform, which utilises a shared database of documents and images. Additionally, deploying sub-sites require no additional platform cost as it is simply an additional section within the main Council site.

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Keep in mind that you should work closely with your design to determine the exact best practices to follow for your own website.

Chapter 04

Design and User Experience Best Practices

There are several design and user experience best practices you can use to create an enterprise website that not only looks great but also provides a seamless, engaging experience for your users, ultimately driving better outcomes for your business.

Prioritise Clarity and Simplicity

When simplifying your website design, the main goal is to facilitate an effortless journey for your users.

  • Start by mapping out the user's journey from the initial landing to the final action (like making a purchase or signing up). Each page should have a clear purpose and path to the next step.
  • Use clear, concise language and avoid industry jargon that might confuse your audience.
  • Visually, aim for a balance between text and images to guide users without overwhelming them.
  • Keep an eye out for cluttered layouts and unnecessary features that could distract from the main message or goal.

Adopt a Mobile-First Approach

Enterprise web design involves embracing a mobile-first design. This doesn't simply mean ensuring your site works on a smartphone. It's about prioritising the mobile experience in your design process. This approach can influence everything from the structure of your navigation to the size of your buttons and the way content is displayed.

To effectively implement this, regularly test your site on actual devices, not just simulators, and consider the varying screen sizes and operating systems of your audience.

Watch out for common pitfalls like text that’s too small to read on a mobile screen, images that don’t resize properly, or menus that are difficult to navigate with a touch screen.

Ensure Accessibility for All Users

Making your website accessible is a multifaceted process that involves several key considerations.

Take advantage of tools and checklists to ensure compliance with WCAG guidelines. This includes providing text alternatives for non-text content, ensuring that all functionality is available from a keyboard for users who cannot use a mouse, and making sure your site is navigable and understandable.

Remember, accessibility not only benefits users with disabilities but also improves the overall user experience.

Pay special attention to colour contrast ratios, ensuring they meet the minimum requirements, and regularly test your site with screen readers and other assistive technologies to identify and fix potential barriers.

Implement Consistent Branding

To ensure your website effectively communicates your brand identity, start by defining a clear set of brand guidelines that cover logos, color schemes, typography, and voice. Consistency in these elements across all pages reinforces your brand and builds trust with users.

Use stylesheets (CSS) to maintain uniformity in fonts and colors.

Watch for inconsistencies, especially in collaborative environments where multiple contributors might inadvertently introduce off-brand elements. Tools like brand guidelines shared amongst your team and regular audits of your site can help maintain consistency.

Optimise Loading Times

Speed optimisation begins with understanding what currently impacts your website's loading times. Use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights to identify specific areas for improvement.

Key strategies include:

  • compressing images without losing quality
  • leveraging browser caching
  • minimizing the code on your site through techniques like minification of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

Be wary of heavy use of plugins or custom scripts that can slow down your site. Regular monitoring and updates are crucial, as the addition of new content or features can impact loading times.

Engage Users with Interactive Elements

Interactive elements can significantly enhance user engagement, but they must be used only when appropriately.

Start by identifying opportunities for interaction that add value to the user experience, such as quizzes, calculators, or interactive charts. These should provide users with relevant information or entertainment without requiring excessive clicks or complicated navigation.

It's crucial to ensure that these elements are accessible and perform well on both desktop and mobile devices. Be cautious of overloading your site with too many interactive features, as this can detract from the main content and slow down your site.

Test and Iterate Based on Feedback

Continuous improvement of your website requires a structured approach to gathering and acting on user feedback.

Start with usability testing sessions that observe how real users navigate your site and complete tasks. Online surveys and feedback tools can also provide valuable insights into user needs and frustrations.

Analyse website analytics for patterns that indicate issues, such as high bounce rates on specific pages. Keep an eye out for common usability problems like confusing navigation, unclear calls to action, or content that doesn’t meet user expectations.

Implement changes based on this feedback, but do so in an iterative manner, testing the impact of each change on user experience and site performance.

Free Resource

How to Deliver a Successful & Impactful Website

A misstep in your website's design and development could be silently undermining your brand and deterring potential customers. Learn the core principles behind creating a captivating website, how to avoid the pitfalls many businesses succumb to, and strategies to ensure you get it right the first time!


Need more inspiration for creating a great website experience? Check out more website design examples here.

Chapter 05

Tools & Technologies in Enterprise Web Development

There are several tools and technologies in enterprise web development to choose from. Let’s look at a handful of these.

Comprehensive Content Management

A versatile CMS should offer intuitive content creation, management, and publication features. The ability for non-technical users to easily update content ensures that the website remains dynamic and engaging.

Elcom Platform Flexible Editing Capabilities

Personalisation tools that deliver tailored content to different audience segments can significantly enhance user experience and engagement.

Integrated Document Management

Document management capabilities are critical for facilitating efficient storage, management, and sharing of documents.

This supports collaboration within the organisation and helps maintain compliance with various data protection regulations.

Member/Customer Portal

A CMS with integrated member or customer portal capabilities enables organisations to provide a personalised and secure online space for users to access exclusive content, services, and resources.

This feature is crucial for businesses to enhance customer experience, engagement and loyalty.

Elcom Portal Membership Login Example

Events Manager

An events management tool within the CMS allows for the seamless organisation and promotion of events.

This includes registration capabilities, event calendars, and notification systems, streamlining the process of engaging with your audience and facilitating community building.

Forms and Workflows

Advanced forms and workflow functionalities enable the automation of business processes, from data collection through forms to the automation of tasks and approvals.

This not only improves efficiency but also ensures consistency and compliance in operations.

Solutions - Events Manager image

Multi-sites and Sub-sites

Multi-sites and sub-sites enable organisations to efficiently manage diverse services and information under a unified platform.

Multi-sites offer unique identities and URLs for different branches or services, allowing for tailored branding while sharing a central content management system for ease of updates.

Sub-sites, sharing the main site's domain, provide a cohesive look with customisable themes, reducing the need for additional platform costs. Both approaches streamline administrative tasks and ensure content consistency.

Mobile Apps

In today’s mobile-first world, a CMS must ensure that websites and portals are fully responsive, providing an optimal viewing experience across all devices.

Also, consider a mobile app to offer instant access to personalised real-time information, communication and services on the go.

Elcom Mobile App - Apple Store Preview Image


Custom Development and Extensions

Flexibility for custom development is also a key consideration. The ability to extend the CMS with custom integrations, plugins, and bespoke features ensures that the platform can adapt to the evolving needs of the organisation.

Case Study

The Inner West Council's website transformation was driven by the need to better serve its community members by offering easier access to council services, information, and events. Recognising the diverse needs of their community, the council focused on making their site more user-friendly and accessible. This included simplifying the content layout, improving search functionality, and ensuring the site was responsive across all devices.

The revamped website has made it quicker and easier for residents to engage with council services and participate in community life, highlighting the importance of accessibility and user-centric design in public service websites.

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SEO is often an overlooked but important part of driving visitors to your website, so we've dedicated a chapter to this strategy below.

Chapter 06

SEO & Online Marketing Strategies

SEO and online marketing strategies are key to driving visibility and engagement. Implementing effective techniques can significantly enhance your website's search engine ranking and attract a larger audience.

Here’s a rundown of 8 key strategies to consider for optimising your online footprint.

  1. Keyword Research and Optimisation
    Start with comprehensive keyword research to identify terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching for your products or services. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to gather insights. Incorporating these keywords naturally into your website’s content, URLs, and meta tags can improve your search engine rankings. Be mindful of keyword stuffing, though; relevance and readability are paramount.
  2. Content Marketing
    Quality content is the cornerstone of SEO and online marketing. Create informative, valuable, and engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of your audience. This could include blog posts, eBooks, videos, and infographics. Consistently updating your website with fresh content not only helps with SEO but also positions your brand as an authority in your field.
  3. On-Page SEO
    On-page SEO involves optimising individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. This includes optimising title tags, headers, and images, and ensuring your site has a logical structure that search engines can follow. Ensuring each page has unique and descriptive titles and meta descriptions can also enhance click-through rates from search results.
  4. Mobile Optimisation
    With the increase of mobile browsing, your website being mobile-friendly is non-negotiable. Google’s mobile-first indexing prioritises the mobile version of your website for indexing and ranking. A responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes and mobile-optimised content can significantly improve user experience and SEO.
  5. Link Building
    Establishing high-quality backlinks from reputable sites can significantly boost your site's authority and search rankings. Focus on creating content that’s shareworthy and reaching out to relevant websites for link-building opportunities. Avoid dubious practices like buying links, as these can lead to penalties from search engines.
  6. Social Media Integration
    While social media signals do not directly influence search rankings, they can amplify your content and increase its reach. Regularly sharing content on social media platforms can drive traffic to your website and encourage backlinks. Engage with your audience on these platforms to build your brand and community.
  7. Local SEO
    For businesses serving specific geographic areas, local SEO is crucial. Ensure your business is listed in local directories and Google Business Profile with accurate and consistent information. Encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews can also enhance your visibility in local search results.
  8. Analytics and Monitoring
    Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website’s performance, understand how users are interacting with your site, and identify areas for improvement. Regularly monitoring your SEO and online marketing efforts allows you to adjust strategies and optimise for better results over time.

Chapter 07

Common Challenges in Enterprise Web Development

Here’s a look at some of the most common hurdles faced during enterprise web development projects and strategies for overcoming them.

Managing Complexity

Enterprise websites often entail complex architectures due to the integration of various business systems, such as CRM, ERP, and custom applications.

This complexity can lead to challenges in project management, development, and maintenance.


  • Implement modular architecture and microservices to simplify the development process.
  • Adopt project management methodologies like Agile to enhance collaboration and flexibility.

Scalability and Performance

Ensuring the website can handle increasing amounts of traffic and transactions without compromising on performance is crucial for enterprises.


  • Use scalable cloud hosting solutions and content delivery networks (CDNs) to manage traffic spikes. Regularly conduct performance testing and optimisation to ensure high responsiveness.

Security Concerns

With enterprises often dealing with sensitive customer data, security is a paramount concern. The larger and more complex the website, the greater the potential vulnerabilities.


  • Incorporate security practices from the outset of the development process, conduct regular security audits, and stay updated with the latest security protocols and patches.

Consistent User Experience Across Channels

Providing a seamless and consistent user experience (UX) across various devices and platforms is challenging but essential for customer satisfaction.


  • Adopt a mobile-first design approach and ensure rigorous UX testing across devices and browsers. Implement responsive design principles to maintain consistency.

Regulatory Compliance and Data Privacy

Enterprises must navigate a labyrinth of regulations concerning data protection and privacy, such as GDPR in Europe and other local laws.


  • Design the website with privacy in mind, ensuring data is collected, stored, and processed in compliance with relevant laws. Regularly review and update privacy policies and practices.

Integration with Legacy Systems

Many enterprises rely on legacy systems that are crucial for their operations, which can be difficult to integrate with new web technologies.


  • Use API-led connectivity to facilitate integration between new and legacy systems.
  • Consider gradual legacy system modernisation where feasible.

Content Management and Personalisation

Delivering personalised content to diverse user segments, while managing lots of content, presents logistical and technical challenges.


  • Implement a robust content management system (CMS) that supports personalisation, easy content updates, and multi-language support.

Time-to-Market Pressures

In fast-moving industries, the pressure to launch new digital initiatives quickly can conflict with the need for thorough development and testing.


  • Employ rapid development frameworks and tools, and consider a phased rollout of new features to balance speed with quality.

Skills Gap

The wide range of technologies and specialised skills required for enterprise web development can lead to gaps in the development team’s expertise.


  • Invest in ongoing training and development for your team, and consider partnering with specialised vendors for specific aspects of the project.

Navigating these challenges requires a strategic approach, leveraging the right mix of technologies, methodologies, and expertise.

Free Resource

Website Redesign Best Practices Guide

Is your website compelling, from both an information and design perspective, to keep visitors interested and move them along your buyer's journey? We'll guide you step-by-step through the process of successfully redesigning your website. BONUS: Detailed comparison and evaluation checklist.

Get your free guide and spreadsheet

Chapter 08

Chapter 09

Chapter 10


Elcom: Your Enterprise Website Partner

Looking for advice tailored to your unique needs? Feel free to reach out to our experts. The team at Elcom would be happy to provide answers or to arrange a free consultation

The Elcom team have been building enterprise websites for over 20 years.

From multiple sites for St Vincent's Health's vast network of hospitals to a sophisticated insurance website with calculators and integrations for ALI Group - there is no limit to what the Elcom CMS website solution can do. 

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