Organisations are often seeking efficient solutions to keep large and geographically dispersed teams connected.

Enter the concept of 'Intranet-in-a-Box'. It is also commonly referred to as an out-of-the-box solution.

The beauty of a packaged intranet solution lies in its simplicity. For organisations that are pressed for time or lack the extensive resources typically required for a full-scale intranet setup, this solution presents an efficient alternative. Instead of investing months into development, companies can now deploy a state-of-the-art intranet within weeks.

But like all products, it's not a one-size-fits-all. This Intranet-in-a-Box guide (or Out-of-the-Box intranet guide, whichever you prefer) dives deeper into this, dissecting the various iterations available in the market, their unique features, and how to choose one that meets your organisation's specific needs.

So, if you're on the precipice of an intranet overhaul or simply considering your options, this article is for you. By the end, you’ll not only understand the concept but also appreciate the transformative potential it holds for your organisation.

What is an Intranet-in-a-Box?

At its core, an Intranet-in-a-Box is a pre-configured digital workplace solution. 

Imagine streamlining all the robust features of conventional intranet software, then packaging them in a ready-to-deploy manner.

It’s like purchasing a fully furnished home, instead of furnishing it yourself!

Generic OOTB Intranet Template

The Advantages of an Intranet-in-a-Box

  • Rapid Deployment: Time is often of the essence. An out of the box intranet can be launched quickly. What might take several months with custom solutions can be achieved in a fraction of the time.
  • Cost Efficiency: Bespoke solutions come with their own set of costs. With Intranet-in-a-Box, you're utilising a framework that's already been developed, leading to significant cost savings.
  • Incorporated Best Practices: Intranet-in-a-Box solutions are crafted based on industry expertise. As a result, many intranet best practices are already embedded within these platforms and subsequently many intranet mistakes are avoided.

Common Intranet-in-a-Box Features

Intranets-in-a-box come with a comprehensive list of features. Let's explore common features and the benefits they bring.

Easy Setup and Deployment

An 'Intranet-in-a-Box' shines particularly in its ability to be rapidly set up and deployed. Unlike bespoke systems, which can involve longer development cycles, these solutions are designed to be quickly rolled out.

Here's what to expect during the intranet redesign project and how to make the most of it:

Turnkey Solution

Unlike custom intranets that require more groundwork and planning, these solutions are ready to be rolled out with minimal pre-configuration.

Tip: Even though it's a turnkey solution, a little pre-launch testing goes a long way. Always test in a controlled environment before going live to ensure smooth integration with your existing systems.

Guided Implementation

Many vendors offer guided setup processes, providing step-by-step assistance, ensuring even those with limited technical knowledge can handle the deployment.

Tip: Make the most of these guides, but don’t rely on them entirely. Create an internal checklist that considers your organisation's unique needs, ensuring the deployment aligns with them.

Minimal Downtime

The beauty of these solutions is the swiftness of their deployment, ensuring minimal disruptions.

Tip: Inform all stakeholders about the planned deployment schedule. Even though the downtime is limited, keeping everyone in the loop helps manage expectations and plan activities around it.

Pre-Packaged Features and Functionality

These solutions come loaded with an array of pre-packaged features that cater to a variety of organisational needs. 

These include:

  • Communication Tools. Expect features like community spaces, news feeds, and instant messaging to be integral components. 
  • Collaboration Suites. These might include document sharing, co-editing, and project management tools. 
  • Knowledge Repositories. Intranet-in-a-Box solutions often come with built-in wikis, FAQs, and libraries. 
  • User Profiles and Directories. Most solutions provide detailed user profiles, fostering intra-organisational networking and knowledge sharing.

Customisation Options

While an 'Intranet-in-a-Box' offers pre-packaged functionalities, it doesn't mean one-size-fits-all. Many solutions offer additional customisation options, allowing organisations to align the platform with their brand, culture, and specific requirements.

While the term 'Intranet-in-a-Box' might imply a one-size-fits-all approach, the reality is far from it.  

Branding and Aesthetics

Your intranet should feel like an extension of your organisation, resonating with its culture and brand identity.

Tip: Infuse your company's branding into the platform. From logos to colour schemes, ensure the intranet visually aligns with other company platforms for a cohesive user experience.

Tailored Dashboards

Different departments have varying informational needs. Customising dashboards to show relevant data can boost productivity.

Tip: Engage with departments or teams to understand their key performance indicators (KPIs) and informational needs. Tailor dashboards to reflect these priorities.

Modular Functionality

Many solutions allow the addition or removal of specific modules based on the organisation’s requirements.

Tip: Start lean. Activate only essential modules initially, and as employees become more comfortable with the system, consider introducing additional functionalities.

Integration with Existing Systems

Remember, the real power of an intranet solution is magnified when it harmoniously integrates with tools your organisation already relies upon!

Seamless Workflow Integrations

Seamless integration with your current tools and systems is a hallmark feature. Whether it's your identity provider, office 365 or any other proprietary software, integration capabilities ensure uninterrupted workflows and a unified digital workspace.

Tip: Before finalising an intranet solution, list down critical tools your organisation relies on. During the demo or trial phase, test these integrations for smooth data flow and functionality.

API Access

While out-of-the-box integrations are great, having access to the intranet's API ensures you can craft bespoke integrations if needed.

Tip: If you foresee the need for custom integrations, ensure your IT team or tech partners evaluate the flexibility and robustness of the intranet's API.

Single Sign-On (SSO) and Authentication

For employees, remembering multiple passwords can be cumbersome. Integrating the intranet with your organisation’s authentication system can offer a more seamless login experience.

Tip: Discuss SSO capabilities with your intranet provider. Ensure it's not just about convenience, but also about maintaining high intranet security standards. Also, collaborate closely with your IT team to map out integration needs. This ensures that the intranet complements, rather than conflicts with, existing systems.

Data Migration

Transitioning to a new system can be daunting, particularly concerning data migration. The good news is that many 'Intranet-in-a-Box' solutions offer streamlined data migration processes, ensuring your critical data is transferred securely and efficiently.

Transferring existing data to a new platform can be a daunting task, but it's essential for business continuity and to retain valuable institutional knowledge.

Automated Tools

Many modern intranet solutions offer tools that automate the migration process, simplifying the transfer of vast amounts of data.

Tip: Despite the allure of automated migration, it's advisable to conduct a 'test migration' on a subset of your data first. This can help identify any potential issues before the full-scale migration.

Structured Data Mapping

Organising your data before migration can save hours of potential troubleshooting later on.

Tip: Engage with stakeholders to determine which data is critical and map out where and how it will reside in the new intranet. A clear data map can significantly streamline the migration process.


This can't be stressed enough. Before any migration, ensure you have robust backups of all data being transferred.

Tip: Schedule regular backups during the migration process. It provides a safety net, allowing you to revert to a previous state if any issues arise. Then plan the data migration during off-peak hours to minimise disruptions.


An ideal 'Intranet-in-a-Box' solution grows with your organisation. Intranet scalability ensures that as your team expands or contracts, and as your requirements evolve, your intranet remains a valuable tool catering to your changing needs. 

Modular Expansion

An ideal intranet solution allows organisations to add new modules or features as their requirements grow, without needing a complete overhaul.

Tip: Regularly assess your organisation's intranet needs. As you scale, periodically touch base with your provider to explore additional modules or features that can benefit your expanding team.

Performance at Scale

As the number of users and data volume increases, the intranet should maintain its performance without lag or downtime.

Tip: Engage in load testing. Simulate scenarios where there's a sudden surge in users or data processing to ensure the intranet can handle such demands without compromising on performance.

Cloud Considerations

If your solution is cloud-based, understanding the implications of scaling, especially in terms of costs and data storage capabilities, becomes crucial.

Tip: Foster a transparent relationship with your cloud service provider. Discuss potential growth trajectories to understand cost implications and ensure there are no unexpected surprises as you expand.

Is an Intranet-in-a-Box Right for You?

With numerous options and features available, how do you determine if it's the right solution for your organisation?

Here are some ways you can figure out if it is right for your needs.

Organisation Size

While Intranet-in-a-Box solutions cater to various organisation sizes, they particularly shine for medium to large-scale businesses. The ready-made features can swiftly address the complex needs of a dispersed workforce.

Medium Organisations

At this scale, departments might start operating in silos. An Intranet-in-a-Box can serve as a bridge, offering tools that enhance inter-departmental collaboration and communication.

Tip: Engage representatives from various departments to discuss pain points and desired features. This ensures the chosen intranet solution caters to the broader organisation and not just a select few.

Large Organisations

Managing communications across large, potentially global teams can be a mammoth task. With numerous departments and hierarchies, the right intranet can be a game-changer. An Intranet-in-a-Box offers scalability and a suite of features tailored for intricate communication landscapes.

Tip: Analyse your workforce size and distribution. If you're managing communication and information across multiple locations or countries, a pre-packaged solution with granular security permissions that enable you to personalise the interface for different groups of people is important.

Budget Constraints

Intranet-in-a-Box offerings, being pre-developed, often come at a lower cost of custom intranet solutions, providing good value for money without compromising essential features.

Budgetary considerations often dictate the path an organisation takes. But it's essential to look beyond the initial price tag and how to understand the true cost of intranet ROI

Upfront Costs vs. Long-term Value

While custom-built intranets can seem appealing, the costs—both in terms of finances and time—can add up. An Intranet-in-a-Box often has a transparent pricing structure, allowing organisations to anticipate costs better.

Tip: Don't merely focus on the initial expenditure. Consider the potential long-term returns in terms of enhanced productivity, reduced miscommunication, and time saved. 

Maintenance and Updates

Bespoke solutions might require continuous investments for updates and maintenance. In contrast, many Intranet-in-a-Box providers offer regular updates as part of the package.

Tip: Engage with potential providers to understand their update and maintenance policies. Factor in these costs (or savings) when evaluating the total cost of ownership.

Training and Onboarding

Pre-packaged solutions often come with intuitive interfaces, reducing extensive training needs.

Tip: Before finalising a solution, request a demo or trial. Allow a cross-section of employees to use it, gathering feedback about its usability. If a significant portion finds it challenging or non-intuitive, consider the potential training costs involved.

Need for Quick Implementation

If there's an urgent requirement to bridge communication gaps or replace an outdated system, Intranet-in-a-Box solutions are designed for rapid deployment. This ensures your organisation can enhance its communication channels without prolonged waiting times.

In a fast-paced corporate landscape, the ability to implement solutions promptly can be a competitive edge.  

Immediate Requirements

Perhaps your existing system is outdated, or a recent restructure has highlighted the need for improved communication channels. The lag between recognising the need and implementation can affect operational efficiency.

Tip: When evaluating an Intranet-in-a-Box solution, scrutinise the setup timeline. Ask providers for case studies or testimonials showcasing rapid deployments for organisations similar to yours.

Seamless Transitions

Switching from one system to another can be disruptive. Intranet-in-a-Box systems are designed for smoother transitions, with features that employees find intuitive.

Tip: Plan the transition outside of peak operational hours. Consider running a parallel test for key processes to ensure there's no disruption to business-critical operations.

Training and Onboarding

Time spent onboarding employees onto a new system is time away from their core tasks. Pre-packaged solutions often come with user-friendly interfaces and guided tours, speeding up the learning curve.

Tip: Organise brief training sessions, possibly department-wise, focusing on essential features. Encourage feedback during these sessions, as hands-on experience can help streamline subsequent training efforts.

Flexibility and Customisation Needs

Despite being pre-packaged, many Intranet-in-a-Box solutions offer ample room for customisation. However, if you have highly unique or niche requirements, ensure the chosen solution provides the flexibility you need.

Every organisation, irrespective of its size or industry, has unique operational nuances. Recognising and addressing these can determine the success of an intranet solution.

Tailoring to Organisational Needs

Even though Intranet-in-a-Box solutions are pre-packaged, many provide room for customisation. These tweaks can make the system resonate more with your organisation's culture and requirements.

Tip: Engage with various departments and collate a list of customisation needs. Cross-referencing this list with what the solution offers can help ascertain fitment.


As your organisation grows, so will your communication needs. The intranet should be flexible enough to accommodate this growth without necessitating a system overhaul.

Tip: Discuss scalability options with providers. Understand the steps involved, any potential downtimes, and associated costs for scaling the intranet solution.

Integration with Existing Tools

Customisation isn't just about appearance and features. It's also about ensuring the intranet seamlessly integrates with tools and software your organisation already uses.

Tip: Engage with stakeholders to outline must-have customisations. Then, cross-check with potential providers to ensure your key requirements can be met.

Limited IT Resources

Organisations with constrained IT resources stand to benefit from Intranet-in-a-Box solutions. With pre-configured features, the need for continuous IT intervention is often reduced, ensuring the team can focus on other critical tasks. 

Self-Sufficient Systems

With constrained IT personnel or skills, it's essential to select a system that requires minimal ongoing maintenance. Intranet-in-a-Box solutions are designed to be more autonomous, reducing the need for constant IT intervention.

Tip: When assessing a solution, inquire about automatic updates, self-help resources, and user communities. These can be invaluable in reducing the reliance on IT teams.

Vendor Support

The depth and breadth of support offered by the intranet provider can compensate for limited internal IT capabilities.

Tip: Delve into the service level agreements (SLAs) of potential providers. Prioritise those that offer timely support, training modules, and a comprehensive knowledge base.

Cloud vs On-Premises

Cloud-based solutions can be especially valuable for organisations with limited IT resources as they typically entail less hands-on management and infrastructure maintenance.

Tip: Assess your IT team's capacity. If continuously managing and tweaking an intranet isn't feasible, a pre-packaged solution can prove beneficial

Integration Requirements

A vital consideration is the integration capability of the intranet solution with existing tools and systems. Many Intranet-in-a-Box options come with built-in integrations for popular tools, reducing the hassle of custom integrations. 

Out-of-the-Box Integrations

Many Intranet-in-a-Box solutions offer built-in integrations for popular tools, be it identity providers, Office 365 and other systems.

Tip: Document the key tools your organisation relies on and cross-check them against the integration capabilities of potential intranet solutions.

API Flexibility

For tools or platforms that aren't readily integrated, the flexibility of the intranet solution's API can be the key to custom integrations.

Tip: Engage with the intranet solution provider's technical team. Discuss potential custom integrations and ascertain the ease and feasibility of such integrations through their API.

Data Consistency

Seamless integration ensures data consistency across platforms, reducing errors and miscommunication.

Tip: After integration, conduct regular data audits to ensure consistency across platforms. This can help identify any glitches in the integration and ensure data integrity.


Choosing an intranet solution, whether custom-built or pre-packaged, is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your intranet project. 

This intranet in a box guide has hopefully given you a clearer picture as to why it might be a good fit for you.

There is no right or wrong path, simply one that aligns with your organisation's ethos and objectives. This plays the ultimate role in ensuring your intranet solution aligns with your organisation's immediate needs and future aspirations.  

If you do, however, find yourself racing against time to deploy an intranet, this webinar on 'How to Launch and Intranet Quickly and Successfully' can help. 

Arm yourself with the right knowledge to ensure you launch a modern and engaging intranet fast while still putting in place strategies for long-term success and relevance.

In this webinar, we decode the strategies for rapid rollouts that don’t sacrifice depth or quality.

Quick Intranet Launch On-Demand - Blog Image

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