In an era that is increasingly dependent on digital systems, an intranet that grows with the needs of your organisation is a critical business tool.

Today’s fast-paced business environment means that having an intranet that can scale with your business is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.

Here, we outline some best practices for intranet scalability and tips for choosing a scalable intranet platform to help ensure it can meet these ever-evolving needs.

But first, let’s touch on the benefits of a scalable intranet you might not be aware of.

Why Your Business Needs a Scalable Intranet

An effective intranet is more than just an internal communication tool. It's a dynamic content management system for collaboration, knowledge management, and data exchange.

But as your user base grows, the volume of data increases, and remote working continues to rise, your intranet will need to scale accordingly.

All these factors combined can heavily strain your intranet system if it's not built to adapt. Enhancing your intranet's scalability not only accommodates these changes but can also boost your team's productivity by ensuring uninterrupted access to crucial resources and tools.

This leads to smoother operations, better collaboration, and increased productivity as your company grows.

Handling Increased User Load

A scalable intranet is crucial as your company continues to grow and more employees join your digital workspace. A fixed, limited intranet may work efficiently when your user load is small, but as your organisation expands, it’s likely to struggle under the weight of increased traffic.

Consider this – each new employee adds to the number of users accessing your intranet daily. Each user interacts with the system, making requests, downloading files, and contributing content. This increases the demands on your intranet.

Your intranet must accommodate this growing user load, maintaining speed, and efficiency. This ensures a seamless user experience, promoting widespread adoption and continued usage of the intranet system across your expanding workforce.

Data Growth

The age of data is upon us, and it is growing at an unprecedented rate. Your intranet is not just a hub for internal communication and collaboration; it's also a reservoir for a wealth of valuable business data. From project details and reports to shared documents and employee information, the volume of data managed by your intranet multiplies with your business's growth.

A scalable intranet has the capacity to handle this data expansion. It provides the necessary storage and maintains efficient data retrieval, safeguarding your business operations' smooth flow. Better yet, it enables you to leverage this data for insights, enhancing decision-making and promoting a data-driven culture in your business.

Supporting Remote Work

The modern workforce is becoming increasingly distributed. Today, it's common for businesses to have teams scattered across different geographical locations or employees who prefer to work remotely.

A scalable intranet is integral to supporting this new norm.

As your business footprint grows, your intranet should be able to connect all employees, regardless of where they're based. This ensures that everyone in your organisation can access information, collaborate, and contribute equally, fostering a sense of unity and promoting inclusivity.

With distributed workforces becoming the norm, it’s imperative to have an intranet that supports remote work. Specifically, you should think about:

  • Accessibility: An intranet can be accessed from anywhere, ensuring all employees can connect, collaborate, and contribute equally, regardless of location.
  • Integration with Collaboration Tools: Your intranet should integrate seamlessly with commonly used collaboration tools, enabling remote workers to communicate and collaborate without switching platforms.
  • Security Features: Remote access brings security concerns. Ensure your intranet solution has robust security features such as two-factor authentication and encrypted data transmission.

Elcom Intranet Homepage Example

Improving Productivity

Scalable intranet solutions aren't just about accommodating growth – they're also about driving productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Your intranet must adapt to your growing needs, integrating with a range of tools and platforms your business relies upon. It ensures the right information reaches the right people at the right time, removing bottlenecks and promoting efficient collaboration. This enhances productivity across your organisation, driving your business towards its goals.

Think about the following

  • Workflow Automation: A scalable intranet automates routine tasks, streamlining processes as your business grows.
  • Customisable User Interface: As your organisation grows, so do its needs. A scalable intranet allows the user interface to be tailored to suit these evolving requirements, ensuring efficiency and ease of use.
  • Integration Capabilities: A scalable intranet solution integrates with a range of productivity tools, allowing information to flow smoothly and efficiently across platforms.

10 Strategies for Ensuring a Scalable Intranet

Let's delve deeper into best practices for intranet scalability and tips for choosing a scalable intranet platform.

1. Evaluate Your Current Intranet

If you're wondering where to start when it comes to how to improve the scalability of your intranet, look no further than what you already have.

The journey to finding the ideal intranet begins with a thorough evaluation of your existing system. Where is the intranet failing? This involves assessing both the hardware and software components of your current intranet solution.

Start with a thorough assessment of your current intranet system. Identify bottlenecks, check server capacities, and review software capabilities.


Check the server's capacity, performance, and age. Make use of system monitoring tools that provide insights into your server's ability to handle the current user load and if it can accommodate growth.


Use performance monitoring tools to assess the software's capability to handle increased user load and data. An excellent place to start is to conduct a performance audit during peak usage hours to understand how your intranet performs under stress.

Also, evaluate the feature set of your current intranet solution and identify any gaps.

For example, as data volume grows, robust search functionality becomes crucial. A scalable intranet will offer comprehensive search features, making it easy to locate and retrieve files and information, regardless of data volume.

Need more guidance? Check out our Ultimate Intranet Buyers Playbook. This guide and checklist will help you evaluate and buy a social intranet that everyone will actually use.

Intranet Evaluation Guide - Blog Banner Jul 2019

2. Adopt a Cloud-based Intranet

Moving your intranet to the cloud is an effective way to ensure scalability.

Cloud solutions can instantly adjust to your needs, allowing you to add storage or processing power when necessary, and scale down during quieter periods. This flexibility not only ensures performance but also helps control costs.

Check with your provider about the options available. This shift not only ensures scalability but can also lead to significant cost savings, as you pay only for what you use.

3. Utilise Load Balancing

Load balancing is an essential strategy for optimising your intranet's performance. It helps evenly distribute network traffic across several servers, ensuring none are overwhelmed with demand.

Implementing load balancing in your intranet environment helps to optimise resource use, minimise response time, and increase the reliability of applications and databases. In essence, it ensures that as your user load increases, your intranet continues to deliver a consistent and reliable user experience.

Practical steps here include implementing dedicated load balancer hardware or software and regularly reviewing the distribution of demands to ensure balanced server usage.

Discuss with your IT department or provider about the best load balancing options for your intranet.

4. Implement Distributed Architecture

Closely related to load balancing is the concept of distributed architecture.

In a distributed architecture, your intranet resources are spread across multiple servers or locations, preventing any single server from becoming overwhelmed. This also enhances your intranet's resilience and reliability, as even if one server fails, others can pick up the slack, ensuring uninterrupted service.

It might require investing in additional servers or hiring experts to configure the architecture, but the payoff in scalability and reliability can be considerable.

Distributed architecture can be implemented using various strategies, such as microservices or decentralised databases. Consult with your IT team to decide on the most appropriate approach.

5. Employ Caching Mechanisms

Implementing caching mechanisms can dramatically improve your intranet's performance and can considerably reduce server load, especially for data-intensive operations

By storing and reusing frequently requested data, caching reduces the load on your servers and accelerates response times.

This enables your intranet to serve a larger number of users without slowing down, contributing significantly to its scalability.

Your intranet system may already have caching options that can be optimised, or you might need to integrate external caching solutions. Again, your IT department can guide you on the most effective strategies.

6. Optimise Database Performance

Database performance is often the linchpin of intranet speed. To optimise it, you can streamline database queries, refine the schema design, and efficiently organise your data. Regularly checking and optimising database performance should be part of your routine maintenance.

  • Database Queries: Regularly assess the performance of your database queries. Long-running or frequent queries can slow down your intranet. Work with your IT team or database administrator to optimise these queries and ensure efficient data retrieval.
  • Schema Design: Review your database schema design. The way data is organised in your database can significantly impact performance. Optimise the schema to improve data access and make the database more efficient as your data grows.
  • Data Indexing: Proper data indexing can significantly improve the performance of your intranet. This helps in faster retrieval of data from the database, thus reducing the load on your servers.

7. Implement Content Delivery Networks

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can improve intranet performance by serving content from servers close to the user's location.

Cloudflare CDN Example

Cloudflare CDN Example

For businesses with international operations, this can significantly enhance load times and user experience. Partnering with a reputable CDN provider can make implementing this technology a straightforward process.

CDNs store copies of your intranet content on a network of servers worldwide. When a user accesses content, the CDN delivers it from the server closest to the user. This can significantly improve load times and reduce the load on your main servers, especially if you're operating across different geographical locations.

8. Ensure Your Intranet is Modular

Another component of intranet best practices is the idea of a modular intranet design. This allows each feature to scale independently, so updates or expansions to one component won't disrupt the entire system. This involves architecting your intranet so that components are isolated and interact through well-defined interfaces.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to implement an intranet-in-a-box platform such as the Elcom Intranet Packaged Solution with optional add-on modules. Each module will be thoroughly tested to work in unison with existing features and functionality within your solution.

This means you can add in features after deployment as your needs evolve, reducing the amount of upfront cost you pay for a feature you don’t yet need while guaranteeing that it will work well with existing features with introduced in the future.

9. Monitor and Analyse Intranet Performance

Your intranet adoption strategy needs to involve measuring and analysing your intranet performance.

Continuous monitoring and analysis of your intranet are key to identifying potential issues and improving performance.

Use analytics tools to identify traffic trends, page load times, and user behavior.

Some key intranet metrics include:

  • Intranet Adoption Rate: The percentage of employees actively using the intranet, indicating which employees are embracing the intranet.
  • Page Views: The total number of times intranet pages are accessed by employees, showcasing the level of engagement and interest in the content available.
  • Employee Feedback and Surveys: Intranet survey and feedback mechanisms can help gauge employee satisfaction, intranet ROI, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Employee Contributions: The number and quality of contributions made by employees (i.e. comments, posts, shares and uploads) demonstrate active participation and collaboration.
  • Search Queries: Analysing the most frequently searched keywords or phrases on the intranet will shed light on the information needs and interests of employees.

Measuring intranet effectiveness and analysing these metrics can provide actionable insights for improving your intranet's scalability.

10. Plan for Future Growth

Planning for future growth involves more than just capacity—it also means thinking about new features, integrations, and technologies that your intranet might need to support - from choosing new features to deciding on storage solutions.

It's about proactive capacity planning and keeping an eye on emerging tech trends that might affect your intranet's future demands.

Further Insights

A scalable intranet is an essential component of any growing business.

By taking these practical steps, you can build an intranet that is not just scalable, but also more robust, resilient, and user-friendly.

Remember, improving intranet scalability is an ongoing process—regular evaluation and proactive improvements are key to ensuring your intranet continues to serve your business effectively as it grows.

If you’re looking for more detailed insights, check out our guide to intranet adoption or our guide on successful intranet launches.

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