Want to build a valuable intranet?

Any intranet expert will tell you that in order to build a valuable intranet, you need to know what your end users want and how an intranet can actually help them.

An intranet redesign survey is more than just a questionnaire; it's a strategic tool that aligns your intranet with the real needs of your workforce. By leveraging this tool effectively, you can ensure that your intranet is not just a digital space but a dynamic, engaging, and productive environment that truly connects and empowers a geographically diverse team and ultimately the employee experience. Remember, a well-designed intranet is a reflection of a well-listened-to workforce.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the nuances of creating an effective intranet redesign survey. From understanding its importance and benefits to a step-by-step guide on crafting the survey, and best practices for framing questions, we aim to equip you with all the necessary tools to make your intranet more than just a digital space – a dynamic, user-centric hub of your organisation's internal communication.

What is an Intranet Redesign Survey and Why is it Important?

An intranet redesign survey is a structured method of gathering insights and feedback from employees regarding the current intranet system. It's not just about asking whether they like the intranet or not; it delves deeper into understanding how the intranet meets, or fails to meet, their daily work requirements. This survey is a critical component of the intranet needs analysis process, ensuring that any redesign is not just aesthetically pleasing but functionally relevant.

Why is it important? In simple terms, an intranet redesign survey is the bridge between guesswork and informed decision-making. It provides a clear picture of what works, what doesn't, and what's missing in your current intranet setup. This feedback is invaluable for tailoring an intranet that truly resonates with and supports your workforce, regardless of their location.

Benefits of Using an Intranet Redesign Survey

Use Data to Identify Areas of Improvement: One of the primary benefits of conducting an intranet redesign survey is the ability to gather concrete data. This data acts as a roadmap, highlighting the specific areas where your intranet could be more user-friendly, efficient, or relevant to the diverse needs of your employees.

Get Buy-in from Employees: When employees are asked for their input, it not only provides valuable insights but also fosters a sense of ownership and involvement. This buy-in is crucial for the successful adoption of the redesigned intranet.

Data-Driven and Informed Decisions: Armed with the results from the intranet redesign survey questions, decision-makers can move beyond assumptions and make choices based on what employees actually need and want. This approach significantly increases the likelihood of a successful redesign that genuinely enhances productivity and engagement.

Track Progress Quantifiably: By establishing a baseline through initial survey results, organisations can quantifiably measure the impact of their redesign efforts. This tracking is essential for demonstrating progress and making ongoing adjustments based on evolving employee feedback and organisational needs.

Related blog post: 3 Successful Intranet Design Examples to Inspire You

Creating an Intranet Redesign Survey: Step-by-Step Guide

A well-executed intranet redesign survey is a powerful tool for aligning your intranet with the needs of your workforce.

By following these detailed steps, you can ensure that your survey is not only comprehensive but also effective in guiding meaningful improvements to your intranet.

Remember, the goal is to create an intranet that evolves with its users, and your survey is the first step in this ongoing journey.


1. Define Objectives and Goals

Your objectives might include improving navigation, enhancing content relevance, increasing user engagement, or integrating new features.

For instance, if users find the current intranet difficult to navigate, your goal could be to identify these pain points and address them in the redesign.

2. Identify Target Audience

Your audience could range from frontline staff to executive management. Understanding their unique needs is crucial.

For example, frontline staff might prioritise quick access to operational information, while management might need better tools for data analysis and reporting.

3. Select a Survey Platform

Choose a platform that offers ease of use, robust analytics, and compatibility with your existing systems.

Options might include online survey tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms, or a bespoke solution if your organisation requires specific functionalities.

Survey and Question Design

1. Draft Survey Questions

Incorporate intranet survey questions that align with your objectives. Include intranet redesign survey questions that probe into specific areas of the current intranet that you're considering for redesign.

Your questions should align with your objectives. For example:

  • For Navigation: "How easy is it to find information on the current intranet?"
  • For Content Relevance: "How relevant do you find the information available on the intranet to your daily tasks?"
  • For User Engagement: "How often do you use the intranet?"

2. Include a Mix of Question Types

Use a variety of question formats – from multiple choice to open-ended questions – to gather a range of insights.

  • Multiple Choice: Useful for quantifiable data, e.g., "How often do you use the intranet? (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)"
  • Rating Scales: To gauge the degree of satisfaction, e.g., "On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the intranet's ease of use?"
  • Open-Ended: For qualitative insights, e.g., "What changes would you like to see in the intranet?"
  • Binary (Yes/No): For straightforward queries, e.g., "Do you find the search function helpful?"

3. Keep it Clear and Concise

Questions should be straightforward, avoiding technical jargon. This ensures responses are focused and relevant.

4. Prioritise User Experience

The survey should be intuitive and engaging. Consider the layout, question progression, and overall aesthetic to encourage completion.

5. Add a Welcome and Thank You Message

Begin with a brief introduction, explaining the survey's purpose, and end with a note of thanks. This fosters goodwill and participation.

Deploying the Survey

1. Pilot Test the Survey

Before launching the survey to the entire organisation, select a diverse group of employees to participate in a pilot test. This group should include individuals from various departments and levels within the company. Gather feedback on the survey’s clarity, length, and relevance. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments, ensuring the survey is well-received and effective when deployed broadly.

2. Set up Distribution

Determine the most effective channels for reaching your audience. For a dispersed workforce, consider multiple channels such as email, intranet announcements, and even SMS for remote workers without regular access to email. Ensure the survey is mobile-friendly, as many employees may access it on their phones or tablets.

3. Promote Participation

To encourage a high response rate, communicate the survey's importance through various internal communication channels. Leaders and managers should be briefed to promote the survey within their teams. Consider incorporating visual elements like posters or intranet banners. Highlight how the survey results will directly impact the intranet’s redesign and, consequently, their daily work experience.

4. Monitor Responses

Keep track of response rates and demographics of respondents. If certain groups are underrepresented, consider targeted reminders. Be mindful of survey fatigue; if response rates dwindle, evaluate the need for additional promotion or extending the survey deadline.

Analysing and Implementing Results

1. Analyse Feedback

Use a structured approach to analyse the survey data. Quantitative data from multiple-choice and rating questions can be analysed for trends and commonalities. For qualitative data from open-ended questions, look for recurring themes or suggestions. Pay attention to any surprising insights or feedback that contradicts assumptions about the intranet’s current state.

2. Implement Changes

Based on the analysis, prioritise changes that align with the survey’s key findings. For instance, if navigation is a major issue, focus on redesigning the intranet’s layout and menu structure. If content relevance is lacking, work on a content strategy that addresses current gaps. It’s important to balance quick wins (like minor tweaks for better usability) with long-term improvements (like a complete overhaul of the search function).

3. Communicate Changes

Transparency is key in this phase. Keep employees informed about what changes are being made and why. Use the same channels used to distribute the survey to share updates on the redesign process. This not only shows that their feedback was valued and taken seriously but also helps in managing expectations about the timeline and nature of the changes.

4. Evaluate Impact

After implementing the changes, measure their impact. This could involve tracking metrics like increased usage, reduced support queries, or improved employee satisfaction scores. Consider conducting a follow-up survey to directly assess how the changes have affected employees’ intranet experience. Use this data to make further adjustments and continue the cycle of improvement.

Intranet Redesign Survey Questions: Best Practices

Creating effective intranet redesign survey questions is crucial for gathering valuable insights. Here are best practices to ensure your survey yields the most useful information:

1. Keep it Short and Simple

Lengthy surveys often lead to lower completion rates. Aim for brevity and clarity in your intranet redesign survey. Each question should be straightforward and easy to understand. Avoid technical jargon and complex phrasing. Remember, the goal is to gather insights, not to test employees' understanding of the intranet.

2. Focus on the Big Picture

While it's tempting to delve into minute details, it's more beneficial to focus on broader aspects of the intranet's functionality and user experience. Questions should address key areas such as navigation, content relevance, and overall satisfaction. This approach helps in identifying overarching themes that are crucial for the intranet redesign survey.

3. Variety of Question Types to Get a Complete Picture

Incorporate a mix of question types in your intranet survey design. Use multiple-choice questions for straightforward, quantifiable insights. Include rating scales to gauge the degree of satisfaction or effectiveness. Open-ended questions are essential for gathering detailed feedback and suggestions. This variety ensures a well-rounded understanding of users' experiences and expectations.

4. Avoid Leading Questions

Ensure that your intranet survey questions are neutral and unbiased. Leading questions can skew results and provide unreliable data. For instance, instead of asking, "Don't you think our intranet makes finding information easy?", ask "How easy is it to find information on the intranet?" This approach encourages honest and unbiased feedback.

5. Pilot Test the Survey

Before launching the survey to the entire organisation, conduct a pilot test with a small, diverse group. This test helps in identifying any confusing or ambiguous questions. Feedback from the pilot test can be used to refine the survey for clarity and effectiveness.

Free Template

Want a ready to use intranet redesign survey template? Download the free guide and template to help you get started!

Intranet Redesign Survey Large Blog Image


Remember, the goal of an intranet redesign isn't just to update technology; it's to create an environment that resonates with and supports the evolving needs of your workforce. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your intranet becomes a reflection of your organisation's commitment to continuous improvement and employee satisfaction.

In doing so, you're not just upgrading a system; you're enhancing the way your organisation communicates, collaborates, and thrives in an ever-changing digital landscape.

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