We’ve had a great working relationship with the Elcom team, and their product serves our needs well. There was no question we would continue with the Elcom platform when we started the new project.
We were very specific about the look and feel of it. This time around we put together a detailed brief for Elcom with wireframes and the design and layout mapped out. The Elcom team then provided user interface (UI) information and worked closely with us on UI design tweaks to optimise the experience for our audience.
The project was run very professionally. Our Project Manager was very responsive and willing to go the extra mile to create the right solution for us. It was an easy process for Elcom to build the website to our specifications. The turnaround was very quick; we started the project in early September and launched at the end of January the following year.
Both the Krost and Klein websites are configured as multi-sites on one Elcom CMS deployment. The Krost marketing team in Sydney manages both websites to keep the messaging and content consistent. This lets us share a central database to manage and access common assets such as product images and pages, reducing the maintenance required. The new look and feel was applied to both websites with a subtle difference in content and images such as the logo shown.
We redesigned the Project Gallery to better highlight solutions we’ve tailored for clients. What we like most is the featured products section which links directly to the product page. From the backend interface, we simply select the relevant taxonomy. This makes it easy for customers to find more information about the products used.
The Product navigation menu displays a drop-down featuring the front page of the latest catalogue, with a strong call to action to order the catalogue. This links through to the ‘Get a Catalogue’ page with a form to capture new leads. Once submitted, a workflow is triggered to email the marketing team to mail the catalogue out.
Dynamic widgets make it easy for us to manage content across the website. For example, when we update the blog section, it pulls through the post title, image and taxonomy of the latest blog posts and displays it on the homepage. Visitors can then view all blogs by default or select only news, product or project focused blog posts to view.
The payments page helps us guarantee payments since we can organise a payment from buyers on the spot. This page is linked to eWay, a secure payment gateway. We can automatically fill in the form before sending it to buyers to pay. Sometimes our sales team sell products over the phone and this provides another option to pay online. Once a form is filled out, accounts receives a notification of the payment.