See how We've transformed

GJK Facility Services

GJK Facility Services (GJK) is a leading facility services provider with employees across Australia and New Zealand, committed to providing better experiences to our customers. We do this through our greatest assets. Our people. We have a workforce of over 2500 with the majority out in the field day to day.

The Challenge

It was hard for salaried employees to find information; multiple versions existed in various systems. You also had to be on the company network and use a laptop to access the information. Additionally, we didn’t have a staff directory or organisation chart, so employees often didn’t know who the best person to assist them was.

We also wanted to improve engagement with our cleaners. Up to this point in time, it has been hard to communicate with our cleaners since they don’t have company emails and English is often their second language. We rely heavily on site supervisors to relay information to them.

An intranet would provide a single source of truth, surfacing correct and relevant information in one location, managed through version control capabilities. Our workforce could then access resources in their native language on any device, to do their job whilst out in the field and in the office.

The Elcom team are really well versed and experienced in what they do. They’re very understanding, and they will do whatever they can to make your intranet a success. The new intranet enables GJK employees to easily access information required to do their job, collaborate and communicate from one central location. Julie Baker, Executive Marketing, Project & Change Manager
GJK Facility Services

The Solution

We went through a rigorous process for the project, and we undertook a series of interviews with employees to better understand the key information they were looking to access to do their job.

We felt Elcom understood what we were trying to achieve and could deliver it best from a cost and capability perspective completely out-of-the-box. The Elcom Digital Experience Platform was also user-friendly and quite intuitive compared to some of the other systems we had seen.

The Elcom team were amazing and responsive. Everyone was easy to work with and really accommodating in helping us make our intranet as successful as possible. We were provided with a dedicated project manager who was available all the time and kept a register of actions that had to be done to make sure everything was running smoothly. The training provided was also great. We have a content team who went through the publisher training and now manage their own areas or sections.

We're proud that our new intranet has since won an award at the Step Two Intranet & Digital Workplace Awards in the Intranet Essentials Category.

We named the intranet Ask George, after our Founder and Director. It is the central digital destination for GJK employees, providing them with a single source of truth for our staff directory and organisation chart, key documents, knowledge hubs, online forms, general information and news, as well as a launchpad to external systems via single sign-on. They can access information in the office (laptops) and out in the field (mobile devices), where it is easy for people to navigate and find what they need to do their jobs.

We rolled out the full intranet experience to our salaried employees. We plan to use security permissions to deliver an alternative version to our field employees (our cleaners) later in the year. It will surface relevant content to them in a way that is optimised to their needs. For example, they will have a different homepage with prominent buttons that quickly direct them to key information they would be looking for such as Payroll and Safety, and content such as function specific team pages will be hidden.

For most of our cleaners English is their second language. We have a Translator built into our site so they will be able to change the content into their native language. We are also using the Acknowledgement functionality. This will let us notify people when we have important information we need them to read and acknowledge whilst enabling us to have a record of it stored. Employees can use the Translator tool to read the content. This way we know people are aware of changes, what they mean and how it might affect their roles.

We have an alert feature on the homepage to bring to attention important information that people need to be aware of. There is also an accessibility component across the site to quickly change font sizes and make the site black and white to assist people with visual impairments, which we felt was important from an accessibility perspective.

Forms and workflows meet our needs really well. We moved a lot of our finance, payroll and HR forms to online forms, which trigger email notifications for approval authorisation. Some forms then go to an external party once approved such as our travel agency with all the information submitted.

The Benefits

We estimate that the business is saving $684 a day or $177,840 per year in lost productivity. This calculation has been based on our estimate by time saved per staff member x the median hourly earnings figure of $36 per hour (as noted by Australian Bureau of Statistics).

  • Increase efficiency and improve processes

    The company now has a single source of truth for a variety of key information that people need to know or have questions about, in one location. Employees no longer have to trawl through folders or ask different people to assist them, eliminating the risk of using the wrong documents. Additionally, we have increased efficiently through automating form approvals and acknowledgements of new policies.

    We have a very mobile workforce. With the intranet they now have the ability to self-serve through a personalised interface and can access information on their phone or tablet when they are out and about.

    Additionally, from the comments received since Ask George was released on how easy it is to find information compared to during the research and interview stage where many mentioned how much time was wasted trying to find information, it is clear our employees are saving time. Our estimate, based on active user information and assuming employees are getting back at least 10 minutes of their day from having to search or chase information, equates to the business gaining a collective 19 hours a day back everyday, where our employees are being productive.

  • Drive internal communications and culture

    Previously, we sent everything via email and information got lost in inboxes. The intranet has areas for different communication such as news, policies, calendar of events, new starters hub, and GJK quarterly award winners. It also acts as a depository of past communications so employees can go back and easily find information in a user-friendly interface. We are also publishing news more frequently on the intranet as it happens, whereas before we would send out an employee newsletter every quarter and by the time they receive the news it would be old.
  • Increase engagement with field employees

    Once we roll out the intranet to cleaners, it will help them feel more connected to the company rather than just the site they work at. They will have access to business information and updates through the intranet rather than relying solely on site supervisors. With the Translator tool, they can change content to a language they are more familiar with, read it and understand it better.

    Employees can give shout outs to each other, nominate others for our recognition program via an online form and see what’s happening in other teams. We’re also capturing new starter information on the site and writing stories about people who have started.

Want a PDF version of GJK's award winning Intranet success story? Click to download.

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