See how We've transformed

CS Energy

CS Energy is a Queensland energy company that generates and sells electricity in the National Electricity Market.

The Challenge

CS Energy’s website was built on an open source CMS several years ago and was no longer fit for purpose. The website had limited publishing options, was not mobile-friendly and required vendor support for relatively minor changes.

As smartphone usage grew, we knew we needed a responsive website that provided a better user experience for mobile users. Achieving greater self-sufficiency for managing and maintaining the CS Energy website was also really important to us, plus the security of responsive vendor support when we needed it.

The catalyst was the launch of CS Energy’s new purpose-led strategy. The time was right for CS Energy to modernise its web presence by upgrading to a new enterprise CMS, and refreshing the site’s look and feel.

The Elcom team delivered on providing us with a CMS that is modern and user-friendly for non-technical web authors. The Elcom CMS is a great, cost-effective product that supports the corporate communication needs of a medium sized business like CS Energy. Lisa White, Media and Public Relations Adviser
CS Energy

CS Energy Responsive Website Solution

The Solution

Our Corporate Affairs team, with the support of IT, went through a tender process to replace the existing website and its underlying technology platform. It was both a design and technology choice, so having a vendor who could offer both was much simpler.

We had previously selected Elcom to build our intranet and experienced great support and a much more user-friendly system. There were many synergies for using Elcom’s product for both our intranet and website, including Elcom’s understanding of our business and needs, the great usability of their product and value for money.

Elcom also provided comprehensive publisher training manuals, a client reference site and a personal Training Manager who ran sessions with myself and other key web publishers in the business.

Working closely with the Elcom team, we modernised the visual design of CS Energy’s website to maximise impact and differentiate the business from our competitors.

The CMS platform is fully mobile responsive and easy-to-update when we have new campaigns or news. The main publishers of both the website and intranet are non-technical people so we needed a solution that didn’t require coding expertise.

The Elcom team set up CSS code snippets for us. All I need to do is select the name from a dropdown menu and the code snippet is added to the page. These shortcuts let me quickly add styled buttons and create pages that allow users to expand or hide content when they click on subheadings.

We also use dynamic widgets a lot. They’re handy for the news pages and the top navigation landing pages. I only need to add the thumbnail and text into the attributes of a page, and it displays nicely on another page aggregating the content, so you’re not having to play around with spacing and layout. There’s flexibility in the way you can present this too. For example, you can set the order of content by most recently edited.

The document manager module really improved how we could display our corporate reports and publications. We have categories for our documents and users can now filter them by date. Elcom’s assistance with the bulk upload of documents to the website was very helpful during the content migration phase.

We can also schedule when documents and pages go live and when they expire, as well as set content review dates so we can identify when these should be checked and reviewed. Version control is another great feature; it’s useful to be able to roll back content to a previous version.

The Benefits

Elcom has delivered on the key benefits that I expected from their product. Their CMS is easy to use and the support they offer both during and after the build is fantastic.

Upgrading the CS Energy website to Elcom’s platform has provided us with benefits including:

  • Improved user experience
    Elcom’s visual design expertise provided us with a more user-friendly layout, and mobile-friendly design that enables our users to easily obtain the information they need.
  • More efficient website management
    We now have access to a simpler and more flexible publishing tool, with increased content management options including dynamic widgets and version control. It’s helpful for us to have the website run on the same platform as our intranet, so we didn’t have to learn a new system.
  • Improved website metrics tracking
    I can go into the one control panel to view Google Analytics data and look at either the website or intranet analytics and switch between the two.
  • Support for current and future business needs
    The new website reflects well on our brand. It’s timed in perfectly with the new CS Energy purpose and strategy so we now have a modern web platform we can use to support the growing needs of the business and where we’re going.

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