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Signs It's Time to Upgrade Your Intranet

31 Jan 2024

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Have you ever considered how crucial your intranet is to your employees' daily work? An intranet isn’t just a tool; it’s the central hub for your team’s communication, collaboration, and information sharing. But what happens when this hub starts to creak and groan under the weight of growing demands and changing needs? It’s a scenario that many organisations face, leading to the critical question: Is your intranet still fit for purpose?

Intranets are often the unsung heroes in our workplaces, quietly powering essential operations. Yet, a staggering 40% of employees report poor experiences with their workplace technology, including intranets, according to a recent study. This dissatisfaction can have a profound impact, as another report reveals that 80% of workers are frustrated with outdated systems, hindering their productivity and engagement. These statistics underscore the importance of not just having an intranet but having one that truly meets the needs of its users.

An outdated or inefficient intranet can create more problems than it solves, turning what should be a powerful asset into a source of frustration. Worse still, there are several hidden costs of outdated legacy systems. If your intranet is showing signs of strain, it might be time to consider an upgrade.

Let's delve into the intranet upgrade signs that suggest your intranet is no longer fit for purpose and might need a refresh to continue being a valuable asset for your organisation.

Signs Its Time to Upgrade Your Intranet

1. Inadequate User Experience

The user experience (UX) of an intranet is a critical component that dictates its success or failure. A poor UX can lead to decreased productivity, low user adoption rates, and overall dissatisfaction. Let's explore why UX is essential, what a good user experience looks like, and identify scenarios where the user experience might be inadequate:

Why User Experience is Crucial:

  • Enhances Productivity: A good UX streamlines processes, making it easier for employees to find information and complete tasks efficiently.
  • Boosts Engagement: An intuitive and enjoyable intranet experience increases employee engagement and satisfaction.
  • Encourages Adoption: User-friendly interfaces drive higher adoption rates, ensuring that the intranet is utilised to its full potential.

Intranet Upgrade Signs:

  • Difficult Navigation: Users struggle to find information, leading to wasted time and frustration.
  • Poor Mobile Experience: In today’s mobile-first world, an intranet that doesn’t function well on mobile devices hinders access for on-the-go employees.
  • Slow Load Times: Pages or features that take too long to load can disrupt workflow and deter users from using the intranet.
  • Lack of Personalisation: An intranet that doesn’t offer personalised content or interfaces can feel impersonal and irrelevant to individual users.
  • Inconsistent Design: A design that lacks consistency across different pages or modules can be confusing, reducing usability.

Characteristics of a Good User Experience

  • Intuitive Layout: The intranet should have a clear, easy-to-navigate layout that users can understand quickly.
  • Responsive Design: A design that adapts seamlessly to different devices, providing an optimal experience on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Fast Performance: Quick loading times for pages and features to ensure a smooth and efficient experience.
  • Customisation Options: Allowing users to personalise their experience, such as custom dashboards or content feeds relevant to their role.
  • Clear Communication Channels: Ensuring that users can easily find and utilise communication tools like chat, forums, or newsfeeds.

2. Limited Integration With Third-Party Tools

In the modern workspace, the ability of an intranet to integrate with third-party tools is not just a convenience; it's a necessity. Limited integration capabilities can significantly hamper efficiency and innovation. Let’s break down why integration is vital, identify scenarios indicating limited integration, and describe what effective integration should look like:

Why Integration With Third-Party Tools is Essential:

  • Streamlines Workflows: Effective integrations automate and simplify processes, reducing manual efforts and errors.
  • Enhances Communication: Integrating communication tools (like email, chat apps, or video conferencing software) ensures seamless collaboration.
  • Data Consolidation: Integrations allow for centralised data access, making it easier to gather insights and make informed decisions.

Intranet Upgrade Indicators 

  • Data Silos: Difficulty in accessing or sharing data across different platforms, leading to information being trapped in silos.
  • Manual Data Entry: Employees frequently re-entering data from one system to another, indicating a lack of seamless data flow.
  • Inconsistent User Experience: Disparate tools with different interfaces lead to a fragmented and inefficient user experience.
  • Lack of Real-Time Updates: A delay in data synchronisation between the intranet and other business tools, affecting decision-making and responsiveness.

Characteristics of Effective Integration:

  • Seamless Connectivity: The intranet should effortlessly connect with key business applications like CRM, ERP, HR systems, etc.
  • Unified Interface: A cohesive user experience, even when using different third-party tools, without having to leave the intranet environment.
  • Automated Processes: The ability to automate workflows between the intranet and other systems, reducing manual tasks.
  • Customisable Integrations: Offering flexibility to integrate with a variety of tools based on organisational needs.
  • Secure Data Exchange: Ensuring that integrations do not compromise data security and comply with regulatory standards.

3. Security and Compliance Concerns

In an age where data breaches and compliance violations make headlines, addressing security and compliance concerns in your intranet is not just about protecting data; it’s about safeguarding your organisation’s reputation and legal standing. Let's explore the importance of security and compliance, recognise scenarios indicating concerns, and outline what robust security and compliance in an intranet should encompass:

Why Security and Compliance are Critical:

  • Protect Sensitive Data: Ensuring the security of confidential company and employee information is paramount.
  • Meet Regulatory Requirements: Compliance with laws and regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, or others depending on your location and industry.
  • Maintain Trust: Building and maintaining trust among employees, customers, and stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to data protection.

Intranet Upgrade Reasons:

  • Frequent Security Incidents: Regular occurrences of unauthorised access, data leaks, or other security breaches.
  • Inadequate Access Controls: Lack of robust user authentication and authorisation processes to control access to sensitive information.
  • Non-Compliance Penalties: Facing fines or legal issues due to non-compliance with industry or government regulations.
  • Obsolete Security Features: Outdated security protocols or lack of regular security updates in the intranet system.

Characteristics of a Secure and Compliant Intranet:

  • Advanced Security Measures: Implementation of the latest security technologies like encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits.
  • Compliance Features: Tools to ensure and demonstrate compliance with relevant regulations, including data handling, storage, and processing protocols.
  • Regular Updates and Patches: Frequent updates to address new security threats and maintain compliance with changing regulations.
  • User Training and Awareness: Providing regular training to employees on security best practices and compliance requirements.
  • Incident Response Plan: A clear and effective plan for responding to security incidents, minimising potential damage and ensuring swift recovery.

4. Low Employee Engagement and Usage:

Employee engagement with the intranet is a vital indicator of its effectiveness and value. When engagement and usage levels are low, it not only reflects on the intranet’s performance but also impacts overall productivity and morale. Let’s delve into why engagement is crucial, identify signs of low engagement and usage, and describe what high engagement on an intranet looks like:

Why Employee Engagement and Usage are Important:

  • Drives Productivity: High engagement with the intranet correlates with increased productivity, as employees can access and share information efficiently.
  • Fosters Collaboration: An engaging intranet encourages collaboration, helping teams work together more effectively.
  • Reflects Employee Satisfaction: Regular use and positive feedback about the intranet often indicate higher overall job satisfaction.

Intranet Upgrade Signs:

  • Reduced Logins and Interaction: A noticeable decline in the number of daily logins and interactions with the intranet.
  • Negative Feedback: Consistent complaints or feedback indicating dissatisfaction with the intranet’s functionality or content.
  • Underutilisation of Features: Key features of the intranet, such as forums or collaboration tools, are rarely used.
  • Reliance on Alternative Tools: Employees preferring to use external tools over the intranet for communication and information sharing.

Characteristics of a Highly Engaged Intranet:

  • Personalised User Experience: Offering tailored content and tools based on user roles, interests, and behaviours.
  • Interactive and Collaborative Features: Incorporating social features like forums, polls, and collaborative workspaces.
  • User-Friendly Design: An intuitive and aesthetically pleasing interface that encourages regular use.
  • Relevant and Updated Content: Regularly updated content that is relevant and valuable to the users. This usually is a result of a well thought out content management and strategy.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Easy ways for employees to provide feedback and suggestions for the intranet, fostering a sense of ownership.

5. Difficulty in Content Management and Collaboration

Effective content management and collaboration are at the heart of a functional intranet. When these elements are hindered, it negatively impacts the flow of information and teamwork within an organisation. Let’s explore why ease of content management and collaboration is crucial, pinpoint scenarios indicating difficulties in these areas, and describe the features of an intranet that excels in these aspects:

Why Ease of Content Management and Collaboration is Essential:

  • Streamlines Information Sharing: An efficient intranet simplifies the process of distributing and accessing information, crucial for daily operations.
  • Supports Teamwork: Easy collaboration tools enable teams to work together more effectively, regardless of their physical location.
  • Encourages Knowledge Retention: When content is easily managed and shared, knowledge is more likely to be retained within the organisation.

Intranet Upgrade Indicators:

  • Complex Content Publishing Processes: If uploading or updating content is cumbersome and time-consuming, it indicates inefficiency.
  • Poor Document Management: Difficulty in locating, sharing, or co-editing documents suggests inadequate collaborative tools.
  • Lack of Integrated Collaboration Features: Absence of or ineffective chat, discussion forums, or project management tools hampers teamwork.
  • Inconsistent Version Control: Challenges with managing document versions can lead to confusion and errors.

Characteristics of an Intranet That Excels in Content Management and Collaboration:

  • User-Friendly Content Management System (CMS): An intuitive CMS that allows for easy content creation, editing, and publishing.
  • Robust Document Management: Effective tools for storing, categorising, and retrieving documents quickly.
  • Integrated Communication Tools: Built-in intranet features improve communication. This includes instant messaging, forums, and collaborative workspaces.
  • Effective Version Control: Clear management of document versions to avoid conflicts and maintain data integrity.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Ensuring that content management and collaboration tools are accessible and fully functional on mobile devices.

6. Inability to Support Remote Work Effectively

The ability to support remote work effectively has become a non-negotiable feature for modern intranets. With the increasing shift towards remote and hybrid work models, an intranet that falls short in this aspect can greatly hinder an organisation's flexibility and productivity. Let's delve into why remote work support is vital, identify signs of ineffective support for remote work, and outline what effective remote work support on an intranet entails:

Why Effective Remote Work Support is Crucial:

  • Promotes Flexibility: Allows employees to work efficiently from anywhere, adapting to modern workstyles.
  • Ensures Continuity: Maintains business operations smoothly, even in situations that prevent on-site work.
  • Boosts Employee Satisfaction: Offers employees the flexibility and tools they need to balance work and personal life effectively.

Intranet Upgrade Reasons:

  • Limited Access or Functionality: Challenges in accessing the intranet or reduced functionality from remote locations.
  • Poor Communication Tools: Inadequate features for virtual meetings, real-time collaboration, or instant messaging.
  • Inconsistent User Experience: A disparity in user experience between on-site and remote access, indicating a lack of optimisation for remote work.
  • Security Concerns: Increased security risks or data breaches when accessing the intranet remotely.

Characteristics of an Intranet That Effectively Supports Remote Work:

  • Seamless Accessibility: Consistent and reliable access to the intranet, regardless of location or device.
  • Robust Digital Tools: Integrated tools for automating and improving business processes, as well as streamlining communication and collaboration that replicate the in-office experience.
  • Strong Security Measures: Advanced security protocols to protect data and maintain privacy, even in remote settings.
  • Cloud-Based Collaboration: Utilisation of cloud technology to facilitate real-time collaboration and document sharing.
  • Responsive Design: An intranet design that is adaptable and user-friendly across various devices and screen sizes.

7. Lack of Scalability for Business Growth

Scalability is a fundamental aspect of any intranet, especially in the context of supporting business growth. An intranet that cannot scale effectively with your organisation can become a bottleneck, stifling progress and adaptability. Let's examine why scalability is essential, identify indicators of a lack of scalability, and describe the attributes of a scalable intranet:

Why Scalability is Essential:

  • Accommodates Growth: As your organisation expands, the intranet must be able to support an increasing number of users, departments, and content without a drop in performance.
  • Adapts to Changing Needs: A scalable intranet can evolve to meet the changing needs of your business, whether it’s integrating new tools or expanding functionalities.
  • Supports Diverse Work Environments: With the diversification of work environments, including remote and hybrid models, the intranet must be adaptable to varied operational contexts.

Intranet Upgrade Signs:

  • Performance Issues with User Growth: Sluggish performance or frequent crashes as more users access the system.
  • Difficulty Integrating New Tools or Modules: Challenges in adding or integrating new functionalities as the organisation's needs evolve.
  • Limited Customisation Options: An inability to customise or expand the intranet to suit specific departmental needs or workflows.
  • Inflexible Content Management: Struggles to handle an increasing volume of content or to organise it effectively.

Attributes of a Scalable Intranet:

  • Modular Design: Ability to add or modify modules and functionalities as needed, without disrupting the existing system.
  • High Performance Under Load: Maintains speed and reliability even as the number of users and the volume of content grows.
  • Customisation and Flexibility: Offers various options for customisation and personalisation to meet the unique needs of different departments.
  • Cloud-Based Architecture: Utilises cloud technology to facilitate scalability, ease of access, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Robust Infrastructure: A strong technical foundation that can support growth and changes over time without significant overhauls.

How Often Should an Organisation Review Its Intranet for Potential Upgrades?

Regularly reviewing your organisation's intranet is crucial for maintaining its effectiveness and relevance. But how often should this review occur?

The frequency can vary depending on several factors, including the pace of your organisation’s growth, technological advancements, and user feedback. Let’s break down a practical approach to scheduling these reviews:

Annual Reviews:

  • Strategic Checkpoints: When you first implement your intranet, you map your business requirements to your intranet platform. However, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive review annually. This aligns with most organisations’ strategic planning cycles, offering a chance to assess the intranet’s alignment with your evolving broader business goals on an ongoing basis. If not, you need to consider planning for a new corporate intranet with the functionality you need to meet changing goals.
  • Review User Analytics and Feedback: Use this time to delve into usage statistics, employee feedback, and support queries. This data provides valuable insights into how the intranet is being used and areas for improvement.

After Significant Business Changes:

  • Post-Reorganisation or Merger: If your organisation undergoes major changes such as reorganisation, mergers, or acquisitions, it’s crucial to review the intranet to ensure it still meets the new structure and needs.
  • Change in Workforce Dynamics: Shifts towards remote or hybrid working models should trigger a review to ensure the intranet supports these new ways of working.

Following Major Technology Updates or Trends:

  • Keeping Pace with Tech Developments: As new technologies emerge, review your intranet to see if integrating these technologies could benefit your organisation.
  • Security Updates: Given the evolving nature of cybersecurity threats, regular reviews should include a focus on security features and compliance standards.

User Feedback and Support Requests:

  • Continuous Feedback Loop: Encourage ongoing user feedback and monitor support requests. If there’s a noticeable increase in issues or requests for new features, it might be time for a review.
  • User Satisfaction Surveys: Periodic surveys can gauge user satisfaction and gather suggestions, helping identify areas for improvement.

Benchmarking Against Industry Standards:

  • Regular Benchmarking: Compare your intranet’s features and performance against industry standards and best practices. This can be done every 1-2 years to ensure you’re not falling behind.

Ad Hoc Reviews for Specific Issues:

  • Addressing Immediate Concerns: If a particular problem or limitation arises, don’t wait for a scheduled review. Address these issues as they come to ensure the intranet remains functional and effective.


As we’ve navigated through these critical aspects – from user experience woes to scalability hurdles – it’s clear that an intranet is more than just a digital tool; it's a living part of your organisation. But recognising the signs that your intranet is lagging is only the first step. The real challenge lies in taking decisive action to revitalise this vital resource.

Understanding new intranet signs and then upgrading your intranet isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s about unlocking new potentials for collaboration, innovation, and growth. Whether it's enhancing remote work capabilities or ensuring seamless content management, each improvement is a step towards a more dynamic and responsive intranet.

But where do you start? Embarking on an intranet upgrade can seem daunting, but you’re not alone in this journey. We have several resources to help you with creating a successful intranet redesign plan. To guide you through this process, Elcom has created a step-by-step guide and template for the first step in the intranet process: gathering feedback from end users with an intranet redesign survey. Get your copy for free here.

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